Workers World staff

Messages of solidarity to WWP Conference

World Federation of Trade Unions Dear Comrades Johnnie Stevens and Martha Grevatt, We are glad and enthused to receive your…

December 1, 2016

From Virginia to Wisconsin, broad front against Trump

Over 1,000 protesters answered a call by young activists on social media and took to the streets of Cleveland on…

November 28, 2016

Attacks on leftists in Turkey

The government of NATO-member Turkey, headed by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is a key U.S. ally in the war of…

November 27, 2016

Roanoke, Va.: First-ever Fight for $15 protest

Dozens of low-wage workers and their supporters, chanting “We can’t survive on $7.25,” held the first-ever Fight for $15 protest…

November 11, 2016

Coast-to-coast solidarity with Standing Rock resistance

Solidarity actions in support of Standing Rock resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline are proliferating from coast to coast throughout…

November 8, 2016

Messages of solidarity to WWP conference

Following are a sample of solidarity messages to the Nov. 11-13 Workers World Party National Conference. Workers Party of Korea…

November 7, 2016

Fight for socialism! Vote for Moorehead- Lilly in 2016!

“As members of the working class, it’s so important that we vote intelligently, with our own hearts and minds. This…

November 7, 2016

LEE BOOTH 1932-2016: A woman warrior and internationalist

By Debbie Johnson and Cheryl LaBash Detroit The Detroit branch of Workers World Party — and the whole party —…

October 14, 2016

Protests condemn U.S. for war on Syria

By Frank Neisser and Howard Rotman Boston Anti-war activists and the public gathered and rallied at Boston’s Park Street Station…

September 29, 2016

Activists say: ‘Black Lives Matter’ at Panthers game

The Tribe, a majority people of color queer and transgender group, organized an occupation at the main entrance in front…

September 28, 2016