The myth of ‘free trade’

March 19, 2016

Media experts claim that Bernie Sanders won Michigan’s Democratic primary because he attacked “free trade.” Human beings have been trading…

Unable to prevail through ground war, U.S. bombs Somalia

March 17, 2016

On March 7, the Pentagon announced it had killed 150 members of the al-Shabab [“the youth”] guerrilla movement in a…

Louise Michel and the Paris Commune of 1871

March 17, 2016

Paris, March 18, 1871. The National Guard, the workers’ militia that was defending Paris from the besieging Prussian Army, rang…

German voting — Who won, who lost?

March 17, 2016

Berlin Bulletin No. 108, March 16 -- Although readers in the United States and elsewhere are watching voting results there…

Marching on International Women’s Day: Women globalize struggle for equality

March 17, 2016

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="24456,24457,24458,24459,24460,24461,24462,24463,24464"] Solidarity and struggle form the essence of International Women’s Day, as intended by its European socialist founders…

March hits candidates’ silence on U.S. wars

March 17, 2016

Hundreds of people rallied in New York’s busy Herald Square on March 13 for a day of Peace and Solidarity.…

What the Miami Democratic debate revealed

March 16, 2016

A recurring theme in the 2016 presidential elections is immigration, especially on the Republican side. The inflammatory rhetoric from Republican…

AIDS Activists, not politicians, led fight against epidemic

March 16, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s anti-LGBTQ statement on March 11 showed how the ruling class fabricates “history” out of thin air and lies…

Rallies demand freedom for Aafia Siddiqui

March 16, 2016

In Boston on March 8 and in New York City on March 11, the first two of four national rallies…

Inside the anti-racist resistance: Chicago youth shut down Trump

March 16, 2016

Chicago, March 11 -- Donald Trump’s racist, anti-immigrant, sexist, right-wing rhetoric has been met with powerful, organized protests both inside…