Verizon strike ends after 44-day workers’ struggle

May 30, 2016

May 29 -- On May 27, some 39,000 union workers at Verizon ended a strike that started on April 13,…

French workers rise up against anti-labor law

May 30, 2016

Throughout France, 300,000 people poured into the streets on May 26 demanding withdrawal of a reactionary labor law recently rammed…

San Francisco mourners honor Jessica Williams, condemn racism

May 30, 2016

San Francisco, May 30 -- People gathered Friday night in the Bayview District to honor and mourn Jessica Nelson Williams,…

Solitary confinement is ‘no touch’ torture and must be abolished

May 30, 2016

Army Pvt. Chelsea Manning, the heroic WikiLeaks whistleblower and transgender activist currently jailed in the U.S. Penitentiary at Leavenworth, Kan.,…

Emergencia en Venezuela

May 30, 2016

Desde el Salón Ayacucho del Palacio de Miraflores, el presidente de Venezuela Nicolás Maduro condujo una rueda de prensa el…

Detroit activists oppose increased fracking waste

May 27, 2016

Detroit residents and community activists have been organizing since last year to oppose the increased processing and dumping of hazardous…

Philippine election and U.S. imperialism

May 27, 2016

In the years following the Spanish-American War of 1898, U.S. imperialism consolidated its political, economic and military domination over Spain’s…

Ghost Brigade leaders on Mozgovoi’s legacy

May 27, 2016

Kirovsk, Lugansk People’s Republic - On May 8, a group of 11 internationalist visitors along with the leader of the…

Congress fiddles while Zika looms

May 26, 2016

While the U.S. Congress votes hundreds of billions of dollars for military expansion, it is squeezing health programs vital to…

San Diego families unite against police abuse

May 26, 2016

Families from San Diego’s African-American and Latino/a communities met at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church on May 21, the sixth…