Interview with the GDR’s Margot Honecker — ‘The past was brought back’

June 3, 2016

Margot Honecker, born in 1927, former minister of education of the German Democratic Republic and widow of longtime Socialist Unity…

Black Lives Matter, the elections and self-determination

June 2, 2016

Let’s be honest, Bernie Sanders and his campaign of “democratic socialism” have struck a chord with young people and the…

Trump rally, cops and protest

June 2, 2016

Families from San Diego’s African-American and Latino/a communities met at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church on May 21, the sixth…

Oakland, Calif., City Council says: ‘End Cuba embargo’

June 2, 2016

On May 27, the International Committee for Peace, Justice and Dignity announced that Oakland, Calif., is the latest U.S. city…

Vote for a revolutionary socialist future – VOTE JOHN PARKER!

June 1, 2016

The U.S. presidential campaign is being deluged by racist backwash from the Republican Party’s presumptive nominee Donald Trump. But in…

Virginia rallies vs. Verizon

June 1, 2016

Communication Workers Local 2204 hosted a rally May 28 in Roanoke, Va. Union members and labor and community supporters drove…

Thousands march on McDonald’s for $15/hr and a union

June 1, 2016

Despite heavy rains and winds, fast food workers and their supporters converged May 25 on McDonald’s corporate headquarters in Oak…


June 1, 2016

New Orleans — Eric Harris, only 22 years old, was killed here last Feb. 8 by a hail of bullets…

Three levels of capitalist hell

June 1, 2016

Since the capitalist economic crisis struck in 2007-08, hundreds of millions of people around the world have had their lives…

Congreso paralizado mientras Zika azota

June 1, 2016

Mientras el Congreso estadounidense dota cientos de miles de millones de dólares a la expansión militar, reduce programas de salud…