An appeal to Black athletes: Boycott the Olympics until Black Lives Matter!

July 8, 2016

Bulletin: Since the WWP election campaign released this statement on July 6, police in the Minneapolis area have gunned down…

SOULS ON ICE: Black hockey players

July 8, 2016

The 2015-16 National Hockey League has ended. But 22 years before the NHL was established, the Colored Hockey League of…

Out of the headlines, Flint’s water still unsafe

July 8, 2016

Only a few months ago the Flint water crisis was front-page news around the country. The world learned of the…

Baltimore WWP candidates wage petition blitz

July 8, 2016

Baltimore volunteer petitioners are joined by Workers World Party Presidential Candidate Monica Moorehead and WWP First Secretary Larry Holmes. The…

French unions will stay in the streets

July 8, 2016

Even if the French government forces the new labor law through the National Assembly without a vote, the unions in…

Philly REAL protest blocks I-676

July 7, 2016

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="26075,26074"] The Philly REAL Justice Coalition and the Black & Brown Workers Collective led a demonstration in the streets…

North Carolina protests confront Clinton, Trump

July 7, 2016

On July 5, protests confronted both capitalist presidential candidates, who were holding campaign rallies in North Carolina. In Charlotte, N.C.,…

Bangladesh terror attack ‘a bad sign for future’

July 7, 2016

Workers World received the following statement from the Socialist Party of Bangladesh, a revolutionary organization in that country, following the…

Iowa’s Good Park Rebellion celebrates 50 years — led to local Black Panther Party’s founding

July 7, 2016

Fifty years ago the “Good Park Rebellion” helped inspire the founding of the Black Panther Party in Des Moines, Iowa.…

Al-Quds rallies protest apartheid Israel

July 6, 2016

International Al-Quds Day is celebrated all over the world on the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan. This…