Nice and the question of ‘terrorism’

July 21, 2016

More than 100,000 people were at a Bastille Day fireworks display in Nice on the French Riviera July 14 when…

Black Lives Matter marches on

July 20, 2016

July 18 — Outrage over the unchecked police killing of people of color continues throughout the U.S. Militant protests surged…

VP nominee Pence: Trump’s far-right puppet

July 20, 2016

During his pursuit of the Republican nomination, Donald Trump denounced the Koch brothers, the far-right capitalist moguls whom he accused…

Walmart workers protest Trump

July 20, 2016

New York City - One hundred fifty people stood outside Trump Tower on Fifth Avenue on July 7 and shouted:…

What next for the Sanders campaign?

July 20, 2016

Bernie Sanders has given an early, pre-convention endorsement of Hillary Clinton as the Democratic Party nominee. Thus, the battle that…

Many hundreds march in Cleveland to ‘Shut Down Trump and RNC’

July 19, 2016

Cleveland, July 18 -- In the weeks and months leading up to protests at the Republican National Convention, the state,…

The intersection between sports and fighting police violence

July 19, 2016

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="26184,26185"] The ESPY Awards honor individual and team athletes in the U.S. and worldwide for outstanding achievements on…

Giuliani: ‘You’re the racist!’

July 19, 2016

Rudy Giuliani’s July 18 speech to the Republican National Convention is rumored to be his audition for the post of…

27th Pastors for Peace Cuba Caravan Send-Off

July 19, 2016

Oakland, Calif. - IFCO/Pastors for Peace Executive Director Gail Walker and Isel Calzadilla Acosta, founder of “Las Isabelas,” were enthusiastically…

Turkey: Failed military coup opens door to Erdoğan purge

July 19, 2016

July 18 -- NATO’s second-largest army exposed its instability when elements hostile to the regime of Turkish President Recep Tayyip…