Saudis, U.S. out of Yemen!

August 23, 2016

Workers World’s editorial last Oct. 18 began: “U.S. warplanes bombed and destroyed a hospital operated by Doctors Without Borders (Médecins…

U.S. prisons and the struggle against slave labor

August 23, 2016

The headline seemed to herald a new day and was reported by corporate media as breaking news: “Justice Department says…

Mississippi counties lose slave labor as prisoners are released

August 23, 2016

Mississippi's prison population, long ranked as one of the highest per capita in the U.S. and the world, has undergone…

Fight for 15 links racism, low-wage economy

August 22, 2016

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="26625,26571,26624"] Richmond, Va. Thousands of Black Lives Matter activists and low-wage and migrant workers -- representing 64 million…

Milwaukee community supports youth uprising against cops

August 22, 2016

Milwaukee Solidarity with youth fighting police terror was strong at an informal gathering in Sherman Park here on Aug. 21.…

Moorehead to PFP convention: ‘Solidarity with most oppressed must be central to our movement’

August 22, 2016

Below is a slightly abridged version of remarks by Workers World Party presidential candidate Monica Moorehead to the nominating convention…

Detained immigrant women start hunger strike

August 22, 2016

Women immigrants held in the Berks County Family Detention Center in Leesport, Pa., launched a courageous hunger strike on Aug.…

August 1968 – Fort Hood, Texas, Black GIs resist ‘riot-control’ duty

August 22, 2016

Anger radiated through the barracks when orders reached the Black troops of the 1st Armored Division that they would be…

Angola 3 book-signing honors political prisoners

August 21, 2016

New York - For the many veterans of the human rights struggles, past and present, who were in the room,…

Abolition Square action says: ‘Abolish police’

August 21, 2016

Abolish the police! A revolutionary concept has sprouted organically from the intense ferment and combative spirit of the Black Lives…