LEE BOOTH 1932-2016: A woman warrior and internationalist

October 14, 2016

By Debbie Johnson and Cheryl LaBash Detroit The Detroit branch of Workers World Party — and the whole party —…

Trump, Clinton and Syria

October 14, 2016

Our regular readers know this paper considers Donald Trump a racist, xenophobic, Islamophobic misogynist, a billionaire capitalist who inflated his…

Standing Rock resistance continues

October 13, 2016

Indigenous Peoples Day is an answer to the offensive Columbus Day holiday that glorifies the European conquest of the Americas.…

National ‘walk-ins’ reject attacks on public education

October 13, 2016

More than 100,000 students, educators, parents and supporters participated in a National Day of Action for Public Education on Oct.…

Sparked by Kaepernick – Sports protests pummel racism

October 13, 2016

Colin Kaepernick’s lone action condemning police brutality against Black people has multiplied into the most widespread mass protest against racism…

Washington’s solution to conflict in Syria: Threaten world with bigger war

October 13, 2016

Oct. 10 — With the last few weeks of intense escalation of its genocidal war against Syria’s sovereignty, the U.S.…

2016 WWP Election Campaign statement of solidarity with striking food service workers at Harvard U.

October 13, 2016

Victory to the striking HUDS workers! A living wage and quality health care are rights! End racism and discrimination in…

Chicago teachers’ union plans to strike, wins tentative agreement

October 13, 2016

The Chicago Teachers Union and the city reached a tentative agreement overnight on Oct. 11. The union was prepared to…

Sexist predator or drone predator? Vote with your feet

October 12, 2016

Oct. 10 — This debacle of an election process is ­unprecedented, bizarre and absurd. And it is also ­dangerous. Analysis…

After Charlotte Uprising, solidarity activists focus on Bank of America

October 12, 2016

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="27307,27308,27309,27310,27311,27312"] From New York to Los Angeles and other cities in between, activists came out on Oct. 4…