Poisoned water plagues Pennsylvania prisons

October 17, 2016

“You’d have to be crazy to bathe in that water,” a SCI Mahanoy prison guard told Mumia Abu-Jamal after seeing…

Mumia Abu-Jamal will die without mass pressure for hep C cure, protest on Dec. 9

October 17, 2016

Philadelphia - Unless a mass movement can force Pennsylvania officials to provide antiviral hepatitis C medications to cure Mumia Abu-Jamal’s…

COSATU’s general strike and international march demand labor rights in South Africa

October 17, 2016

Durban, South Africa - The Congress of South African Trade Unions followed a successful one-day national general strike on Oct.…

Omar Shakir tells his story of Oakland, Calif., cop misconduct

October 17, 2016

Oakland, Calif. Omar Shakir and his family were under siege last July 23 when the Oakland Police Department falsely believed…

Workers to sexist bosses: HANDS OFF!

October 16, 2016

We have heard from Donald Trump’s own mouth his disgusting, unrelenting, unrepentant commitment to hating, degrading and sexually abusing women.…

Women strike in Poland for abortion rights

October 16, 2016

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="27365,27366"] Black flooded the streets of Warsaw and 60 other Polish cities on Oct. 3. It is estimated…

Eyewitness Syria: ‘U.S., Saudi Arabia systematically destroy’

October 16, 2016

Rochester, N.Y. Anti-war activists and their supporters packed the Shaw Room of the Downtown United Presbyterian Church on Oct. 4…

In ominous move, justice denied to victims of nukes

October 16, 2016

On a Sunday after church in 1946, a Navy commodore met with the people of Bikini Atoll and told them…

Solidarity with migrants at U.S./Mexico border

October 14, 2016

Nogales, Ariz. A U.S./Mexico Border Convergence took place Oct. 7-10 at Nogales, a city in both Arizona and the Mexican…

World unions meet in South Africa

October 14, 2016

Durban, South Africa The 17th Congress of the World Federation of Trade Unionists, held in Durban, South Africa, from Oct.…