General strike in Italy says ‘No’ to referendum

November 4, 2016

The following article was submitted to Workers World by the organization Fronte Popolare (Popular Front) in Italy. Some 1.3 million…

Hundreds mobilize to free Lebanese revolutionary

November 4, 2016

Hundreds of supporters mobilized during an international week of actions to free Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, a Lebanese revolutionary imprisoned by…

#Buffalo25 defy ICE

November 3, 2016

Buffalo, N.Y. - Twenty-five workers were arrested and detained here when federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement raided four Mexican restaurants…

Justice for Henry Green and Tyre King!

November 3, 2016

Columbus, Ohio - The names of Black people most recently murdered by Columbus police were chanted on Oct. 28 as…

‘Right to Exist, Right to Resist’

November 3, 2016

Following is a report on the International League of People’s Struggle assembly in Chicago. The Second Assembly of the U.S.…

Crisis for Big Oil: Bakken/DAPL exploiters in trouble

November 2, 2016

The resisters to the Dakota Access Pipeline in North Dakota are holding their ground despite mass arrests and the coming…

Class struggle alive in Venezuela

November 2, 2016

Since the Bolivarian Revolution started in Venezuela 17 years ago, U.S. imperialism and its oligarchical allies in that country have…

Trump, Clinton and the FBI

November 1, 2016

Something quite unprecedented in U.S. presidential elections happened on Oct. 28, and there is much speculation throughout the media as…

Standing Rock resistance stays strong despite attacks, arrests

November 1, 2016

On the morning of Oct. 27, a combined force of National Guard soldiers, private security guards and over 200 cops…

Ways to support Standing Rock #NoDAPL

November 1, 2016

Here is information from the Facebook page of United American Indians of New England (UAINE) about how to support #NoDAPL…