Speaking tour exposes U.S. lies about Syria

December 19, 2016

Independent Canadian journalist Eva Bartlett has continued her U.S. speaking tour representing the Hands Off Syria Coalition. Before a packed…

A young worker’s take on Syria

December 19, 2016

The following slightly edited commentary was posted on Facebook by WW contributor Mattie Starrdust on Dec. 14 after the liberation…

Political crisis in South Korea

December 19, 2016

A major political crisis is shaking south Korea, but you would barely know it if you depend on the corporate…

Rape culture, sports and profits

December 19, 2016

Bulletin: On Dec. 19, Judge Aaron Persky, who had sentenced rapist Brock Turner to only six months in jail after…

Teacher unions push back right-wing attack in Michigan

December 19, 2016

Right-wing Michigan lawmakers introduced several bills attacking teacher unions during the final weeks of the 2016 state legislature. The bills…

#J20: The working class must unite

December 19, 2016

All out for #J20 Counter-Inaugural! The working class must unite! DON’T GIVE RACIST, FASCIST, UNION-HATING TRUMP “A CHANCE” The presidential…

Virginia voters reject anti-union move

December 18, 2016

A ballot initiative that would have made the state’s “right-to-work” (for less!) law part of the state constitution was defeated…

One cheer for Italian referendum vote

December 18, 2016

Nearly 70 percent of eligible voters in Italy turned out to vote on a referendum on changes to the constitution…

‘For Peltier and Standing Rock!’

December 18, 2016

Led by a colorful banner demanding freedom for imprisoned Native leader Leonard Peltier, over 500 #NoDAPL activists and Indigenous warriors…

Protesters at U.N.: ‘Stop war on children’

December 18, 2016

Parents, teachers, youth and anti-war activists rallied outside U.N. headquarters in New York on Dec. 10, International Human Rights Day,…