Retrial set for killer cop in Charleston, S.C.

January 4, 2017

In Charleston, S.C., on April 4, 2015, Michael Slager, a white cop, killed Walter Scott, an African-American man, by shooting…

A tragic anniversary

January 4, 2017

December 25 marked the 25th anniversary of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Two historic centennial anniversaries will take place…

A crack in the wall of death

January 4, 2017

For Dylann Roof, the next few days and weeks of his young life will prove his most memorable. That’s saying…

#J20 mass protests planned: FIGHT TRUMP!

January 3, 2017

Jan. 1 -- People are organizing all over the United States to go to Washington, D.C., on Friday, Jan. 20,…

Women say ‘No to misogyny!’

January 3, 2017

Millions of women were shocked, outraged and disgusted when the extremely misogynistic and racist Donald Trump was selected by the…

Anti-Russia campaign diverts fight against Trump

January 3, 2017

Demonstrating the U.S. intent to continue punitive sanctions against Russia, the lame-duck Barack Obama administration took further measures. Obama declared…

Syria wins in Aleppo: What next?

January 3, 2017

The Syrian military has successfully liberated the entire city of Aleppo, which, up until the current conflict broke out in…

Los retos que plantea la ofensiva de la derecha en América Latina

January 3, 2017

Esta es la primera parte de dos de una exposición presentada por Olmedo Beluche, Analista y autor marxista panameño, profesor…

Financial distress imperils EU banks

January 3, 2017

Jan. 1 — The European capitalists created the European Union to encourage the exchange of goods, services and capital. Its…

Palestinians celebrate release of hunger striker Bilal Kayed

January 2, 2017

Over 1,000 Palestinians gathered Dec. 12 in the town of Asira ash-Shamaliya, near Nablus in the occupied West Bank, to…