Women march against Washington

February 5, 2017

This is a tran­scrip­tion of a Jan. 24 Prison Radio broadcast. They covered the streets like rain: women — in…

The blood of Donbass is now on Trump’s hands

February 5, 2017

Statement of the International Action Center on Jan. 31 on the resumed assault on the Donbass republics. Donetsk and Lugansk…

U.S. ports welcome Cuban delegation

February 4, 2017

The Florida governor’s tweeted threats to cut funding for Florida ports that do business with Cuba couldn’t stop the warm…

Letter from the South calls for mobilizing against fascism and racism

February 4, 2017

Pensacola, Fla. - Three hundred people converged on Pensacola International Airport on Jan. 29 to protest President Donald Trump’s neofascist…

San Diego airport protest demands ‘No ban! No wall!’

February 4, 2017

Over 2,500 San Diegans came to Terminal 2 of the city’s International Airport on Sunday, Jan. 29, to protest Trump’s…

Columbus, Ohio, airport sit-in

February 4, 2017

In Columbus, Ohio, at the John Glenn International Airport, between 600 and 1,000 multinational participants marched a quarter mile to…

Lessons of the Harvard dining hall strike victory, Part 1

February 3, 2017

The 750 striking Harvard University Dining Service workers — cooks, dishwashers, servers and cashiers — brought multibillion-dollar Harvard University to…

‘When the boss won’t talk, don’t take a walk — Sit down!’

February 3, 2017

When the speed-up comes, just twiddle your thumbs Sit Down! Sit Down! When the boss won’t talk, don’t take a…

BLM and union hold joint protest

February 3, 2017

Albany, N.Y. - When Albany Mayor Kathy Sheehan gave her annual State of the City speech on Jan. 25, she…

Unity and diversity at Tribute to Fidel

February 3, 2017

A moving Tribute to Fidel was held in Philadelphia on Jan. 28 at the Church of the Advocate, bringing together…