‘An injury to one…’

March 9, 2017

The new immigration ban order signed by President Donald Trump on March 6 is a continuation of the all-out assault…

Midwest WWP conference to link theory and practice

March 9, 2017

The Detroit branch of Workers World Party is co-hosting a Midwest Fightback Conference on March 25-26 with the Wayne State…

Nurses strike multibillion hedge fund, defend patient care

March 9, 2017

Upper Darby, Pa. - A couple hundred community, political and labor activists rallied and marched on March 5 in support…

Trump gang in crisis: Attacks on people spread

March 8, 2017

In addition to the government campaign against the undocumented, there is mounting murderous racism fomented by Trump and his Islamophobic…

Solidarity with Standing Rock!

March 8, 2017

Some 1,000 people defied a huge police presence to march to Trump Tower on March 4 to protest government actions…

Behind the new lies about Korea

March 8, 2017

The establishment media are suggesting that Donald Trump’s tweets accusing Barack Obama of tapping his phones are just a diversion…

Trump speech ‘his finest moment?’ Labor bureaucrats betray the working class

March 8, 2017

The ultra-rightist president of this country gave his first speech to Congress on Feb. 28. In the opening paragraph he…

North Carolina People’s Assembly builds resistance

March 8, 2017

Durham, N.C. - Since the election of Donald Trump as president, activists across the country have been experimenting with various…

Thousands denounce anti-Semitic attacks in Philadelphia

March 8, 2017

When news surfaced on Feb. 26 that hundreds of gravestones had been toppled and damaged at the Mount Carmel Jewish…

March 8: Women strike!

March 8, 2017

An International Women’s Strike has been called for March 8, International Women’s Day, by women in more than 50 countries.…