Detroit WWP hosts women’s speakout

March 23, 2017

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="30332,30333,30334,30335,30336,30337,30339,30340,30341,30338"] International Women’s Day was commemorated in Detroit on March 11 at a women’s speakout for justice and…

Gov’t squeezes workers, bloats Pentagon

March 22, 2017

A recent hiring freeze for federal employees is one of a barrage of anti-worker laws and executive orders recently put…

Diversions about Russia, lies about Korea

March 22, 2017

March 20 — Two issues today have been brought to the forefront by the capitalist establishment. Each one aims to…

Bay Area rallies against Trump’s 2nd Muslim ban

March 22, 2017

On March 16, the day Trump’s second Muslim travel ban was due to take effect, more than 500 people rallied…

Stop firing of legal aid prisoner

March 22, 2017

By Sehu Kessa Saa Tabansi Revolutionary greetings to all the workers worldwide! When does being a laborer and doing right…

Caravanistas meet Cuba hero doctors

March 22, 2017

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="30305,30306"] On July 22, 2016, the 27th Pastors for Peace Friendshipment Caravan participants met in Cuba with doctors…

Midwest Conference builds socialism: Power to the people!

March 21, 2017

Revolutionaries from throughout the Midwest and beyond have mobilized to build and attend the fightback conference, “Resistance Against Racism and…

Syracuse protest defends migrant worker

March 21, 2017

In minus-degree wind chill and blowing snow, dedicated pro-migrant community members came out on March 15 in Syracuse and in…

ICE abducts migrant worker from hearing

March 21, 2017

Marcos, a migrant worker living in Philadelphia, was stolen from his family and community on March 16. Marcos reported for…

Detroit’s lights out: Who’s to blame

March 21, 2017

Roseville, Mich., March 14 -- I’m waiting and hoping that today is the day power is restored to our neighborhood…