Hands off Syria!

March 26, 2017

Rochester, N.Y. — Amidst swirling snow and freezing temperatures, demonstrators gathered at the Liberty Pole in downtown Rochester on March…

No triumph for ultra-right in Netherlands; French vote looms

March 26, 2017

Polls predicted that the Islamophobe Geert Wilder's Party of Freedom (PVV), a racist, xenophobic party that also opposes the European…

Women resist global oppression

March 25, 2017

The New York City branch of Workers World Party held a special forum on March 18 in honor of International…

Rasmea Odeh’s defense gears up for trial

March 25, 2017

Update: As of March 23rd, Rasmea Odeh has decided to accept an agreement to plea guilty to Unlawful Procurement of…

Women’s hockey team threatens boycott over unequal pay

March 25, 2017

March 20 — As everyone knows, the former San Francisco 49ers quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, both sat and kneeled in protest…

Addie Waites Hunton: Pan-African leader

March 25, 2017

Addie Waites Hunton was a central figure in the development of the Pan-African movement. She was born in 1866 in…

International Women’s Day sees global actions

March 25, 2017

[gallery type="slideshow" ids="30370,30375,30374,30373,30372,30371,30366,30369,30368,30367,30365"] Following the successful demonstrations on Jan. 21 — when 5 million women and their supporters in the…

Nissan workers want the right to vote union

March 23, 2017

“Labor Rights Equal Civil Rights” was the theme of a historic “March on Mississippi” held March 4 outside the Nissan…

On the picket line

March 23, 2017

Fast food workers protest at NY City Hall, strike Majority Black and Latinx retail and fast food workers rallied outside…

Call him by his real name

March 23, 2017

As dissatisfaction with this stagnating capitalist system has grown in most of the Western imperialist countries, pundits and the media…