Trump ataca en casa y en el exterior: Desde el cuidado de la salud hasta la guerra en Asia

March 28, 2017

La camarilla autoritaria Trump en la Casa Blanca - Steve Bannon, Jared Kushner, Steven Miller y el propio Donald Trump…

Mass protest kills the anti-health-care bill

March 27, 2017

We did it. Resistance works.  People across the country fought back against a draconian health care bill and stopped its…

Mumia speaks on Mona, Pam and Monica: Harriet’s granddaughters

March 27, 2017

Transcribed from the March 22 taped message from Mumia Abu-Jamal “from inside Prison Nation,” recorded by Noel Hanrahan of…

‘Love was in the air’ – A tribute to Warrior Sisters of the Revolution

March 27, 2017

International Working Women’s Month was celebrated Philadelphia style on March 24 with a special event honoring three Black women activist…

Ida Gibbs Hunt and the Pan-African Movement

March 27, 2017

The Pan-African Congress in Paris in 1919 saw participation by African-American women, including Addie Waites Hunton and Ida Gibbs Hunt,…

Philly self-defense routs fascist rally

March 27, 2017

What a few devout Trumpers hoped would be a strong Philadelphia debut of public support for their president backfired when…

Cuban women meet in New York City

March 27, 2017

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="30416,30417"] The International Working Women’s Coalition hosted a reception and political discussion with two Cuban women revolutionaries at…

International Women’s Day: A program of struggle for women’s rights

March 27, 2017

By Vіtalіna Butkalyuk The author is a Marxist living in Ukraine. Her essay was originally published at and was…

Former U.S. political prisoner, Ramona Africa, discusses Mumia Abu-Jamal’s incarceration, U.S. prisons and Donald Trump

March 26, 2017

Former U.S. political prisoner Ramona Africa is the Minister of Communication for the MOVE Organization and a Philadelphia-based organizer with…

Protests erupt after Israel’s killing of Basil al-Araj

March 26, 2017

Protests erupted worldwide after Israeli occupation forces killed Basil al-Araj, a prominent Palestinian activist, during a predawn raid on a…