Massive general strike in Brazil displays people power

May 5, 2017

Brazilian workers held a general strike on April 28. Business as usual could not possibly proceed as 35 to 40…

Gabriela celebrates ’ten years of serving the people’

May 5, 2017

The New York Chapter of Gabriela (General Assembly Binding Women for Reforms, Integrity, Equality, Leadership and Action) — formerly known…


May 3, 2017

[gallery type="slideshow" size="full" ids="31036,31028,31025,31026,31027,31029,31030,31031,31024,31035,31033,31032,31034"] May Day is back. This glorious day to honor working-class struggle began in the United States…

Puerto Rico on the move

May 3, 2017

Even before International Workers’ Day — May Day — a very important advance had been made in Puerto Rico: unity…

Puerto Rico en marcha

May 3, 2017

Un día antes del Día de las y los Trabajadores —el Primero de Mayo— en Puerto Rico ya se ha…

Lucy Gonzales Parsons, ¡presente!

April 30, 2017

It is fitting to honor the fighting spirit of Lucy Gonzales Parsons on May Day — International Workers Day —…

Support for women hunger strikers in ICE prison

April 30, 2017

Protesters in Portland, Ore., marched on April 19 in support of immigrant hunger strikers at the largest immigrant prison on…

Mexican electricians send May Day solidarity

April 30, 2017

Mexican compañeras and compañeros in the United States, Please accept fraternal greetings of ­solidarity from the Mexican Electricians Union, the…

Milwaukee schools say YES to sanctuary

April 30, 2017

After weeks of organizing on behalf of undocumented students and workers, a sanctuary district resolution for Milwaukee Public Schools was…

May Day & Marx, Chicago 1886

April 30, 2017

Chicago - It is often noted that May Day had its origins here in Chicago. Two days after 40,000 workers…