GABRIELA New York: A decade of defending Filipino women

May 14, 2017

On April 29, 2017, 100 community members gathered to celebrate GABRIELA New York’s 10-year anniversary as a mass-based women’s organization…

Solidarity with Palestinian prisoner hunger strike

May 14, 2017

Over 100 demonstrators picketed Chicago’s Israeli Consulate on May 4 to express their solidarity with the over 1,500 Palestinian prisoners…

The fake news about unemployment

May 14, 2017

Few workers are cheering the Labor Department’s report that the unemployment rate fell to 4.4 percent in April. Why should…

State escalates persecution of #J20 protesters

May 14, 2017

On Jan. 20, District of Columbia police cracked down on protests against Donald Trump’s inauguration by mass arresting 217 people,…

Adam Jones & Boston racism at Fenway Park

May 11, 2017

By mYia X & Phebe Eckfeldt Boston In April, Major League Baseball celebrated the 70th anniversary of Jackie Robinson breaking…

Venezuela in Big Oil’s crosshairs

May 11, 2017

Anti-war activists will vividly recall how Bush set the stage for invading Iraq by falsely claiming that the Hussein government…

Defend Venezuela

May 11, 2017

According to a May 3 Reuters article, “An influential group of Republican and Democratic U.S. senators introduced sweeping legislation ...…

Appalachia says ‘NO’ to Nazis

May 11, 2017

Listening to West Virginia Public Radio on the way to work yesterday morning, I heard a piece about the “neo-Nazi”…

Congress be damned — Fight for free healthcare

May 10, 2017

Ever since the health care system was turned over to the insurers and drug companies under the Bill Clinton administration,…

Boston science marchers demand ‘harm reduction’ for people who use opioids

May 10, 2017

Thousands of nurses, doctors, lab technicians, environmental professionals, computer programmers and teachers rallied for Science on Boston Common April 22.…