New Year, same genocide: No cause for celebration at Boston’s First Night

December 30, 2023

By Boston Coalition for Palestine The Boston Coalition for Palestine issued the following media advisory Dec. 29. Sunday, Dec 31,…

Zaid Almadi: ‘Palestine, I promise to help set you free!’

December 30, 2023

By Zaid Almadi The following speech was delivered by Zaid Almadi — the youngest leader of the Boston Coalition for…

New York protest demands ‘Free Palestine!’

December 28, 2023

Protesters flooded Midtown Manhattan, New York City, on Dec. 23, demanding an end to the Israeli genocide of Palestinians in…

Palestinian Forces Alliance emphasize united stance against Israel, U.S. aggression

December 28, 2023

The following statement was published on Resistance News Network, Dec. 27, 2023.   The Central Command of the Palestinian Forces Alliance…

PFLP: ‘Assassination of Iranian brigadier general will lead to escalated strikes against the Israeli entity’

December 26, 2023

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine Central Media Department issued the following statement on Dec. 25, 2023 on…

PFLP: Hamas conditions for a complete cease-fire

December 26, 2023

The following transcript is from an interview with Maher Mezher, member of the General Central Committee of the Popular Front…

Las causas de la invasión norteamericana a Panamá (1989)

December 26, 2023

Olmedo Beluche es un sociólogo marxista panameño. (Tomado del libro: “Diez años de luchas políticas y sociales en Panamá. 1980-1990”) …

UAW-represented legal services workers overcome roadblocks, pass resolutions for Palestine

December 25, 2023

The Association of Legal Aid Attorneys, United Auto Workers Local 2325, passed a strongly worded “Resolution Calling for a Ceasefire…

PFLP: ‘Arab involvement in Security Council decision is a cover for continuing genocide’

December 25, 2023

The Central Media Department of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine issued the following statement on Dec. 22,…

Hamas: ‘These proud people will not know defeat or surrender’

December 25, 2023

The following statement was issued by Hamas – Islamic Resistance Movement – on Dec. 20, 2023, and republished by Resistance…