For Palestine: Hundreds disrupt Zionist parade

June 11, 2017

Under the slogan “Celebrate Ending Israeli Apartheid,” over 100 activists disrupted the annual “Celebrate Israel” parade in New York City…

Reception for Oscar López Rivera

June 11, 2017

After 36 years in U.S. federal prisons for his role in the Puerto Rican independence struggle, hero Oscar López Rivera…

Why Nicaragua refused to sign Paris accords

June 11, 2017

The capitalist media have denounced Trump’s pullout from the Paris Accord, saying that the U.S. joins the only other two…

‘Battle of the Overpass’ – 80 year anniversary

June 11, 2017

May 26 marked the 80th anniversary of a bloody example of capitalist violence against unions: the “Battle of the Overpass.”…

British election sets back right-wing agenda for austerity and war

June 9, 2017

Signaling a turn to the left in the British electorate, Prime Minister Theresa May’s Conservative Party was dealt a stunning…

When racism does not discriminate

June 9, 2017

It is a universally undisputed fact that the Cleveland Cavaliers’ LeBron James is considered the greatest basketball player active today.…

‘The revolution is coming!’

June 9, 2017

The following excerpts are from a talk given by Faiquan Sells at a May 20 Workers World forum in New…

Protest at OAS says ‘U.S. hands off Venezuela!’

June 9, 2017

Facing off against close to 100 angry pro-U.S. protesters who had blocked the entrances of the Organization of American States…

Rally against ‘back-in-the-day’ firing

June 9, 2017

Before unions were recognized in the auto industry, a worker could be fired for the slightest infraction, even laughing or…

What Mumia means to the youth

June 9, 2017

The following talk was given by Christian Cobb at a June 1 forum on “Mumia Abu-Jamal Victories and Historic MOVE…