Courage, discipline in face of fascists

August 23, 2017

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="32845,32843,32844,32846,32848,32847,32842"] The Solidarity Center in New York City was standing room only as impassioned anti-racist activists gathered Aug.…

Mother of slain anti-racist: ‘Carry on her legacy’

August 23, 2017

Susan Bro, the mother of Heather Heyer, brought a crowd of 1,200 people to their feet several times at her…

The Klan and the government

August 23, 2017

In November 1982, the Ku Klux Klan announced it would be holding a demonstration in the heart of Washington, D.C.…

Smash white supremacy!

August 22, 2017

Charlottesville, Durham, Boston, New Orleans and more — anti-racist actions all across the country are proof of a sea change…

Black organizing unites Boston, crushes fascist rally

August 22, 2017

Revolutionary Black love saved Boston on Aug. 19. A group including queer, disabled, Afro-Latinx, working-class Black activists consolidated their resources,…

Takiyah Thompson speaks on taking down racist monuments with people’s power

August 22, 2017

Takiyah Thompson was interviewed by Workers World editor Minnie Bruce Pratt on Aug. 20. Thompson is the North Carolina Central…

Bannon out – but hold the cheering

August 22, 2017

When the news broke that Steve Bannon, the racist “alt-right” adviser to Donald Trump, had been forced out of his…

Charlottesville: Momento clave en la lucha unida contra el fascismo

August 22, 2017

14 de agosto de 2017 La siguiente es una declaración del Partido Workers World - Mundo Obrero, que envió a…

#DefendDurham: Actualización sobre la batalla para acabar con la supremacía blanca

August 22, 2017

Por WW-MO Durham, N.C., 19 de agosto de 2017 Una marcha planeada por el Ku Klux Klan fue suspendida el…

Cuba answers charges of ‘harming diplomats’

August 20, 2017

The U.S. government and corporate media unleashed a new propaganda offensive against socialist Cuba on Aug. 9 by making unsubstantiated…