Protesters demand sovereignty for Puerto Rico

September 25, 2017

The struggle for sovereignty for Puerto Rico was the theme of an all-day protest Sept. 19 across from the United…

St. Louis protests expose brutal police force

September 25, 2017

Fiery St. Louis protests continue nonstop despite brutal police violence against demonstrators that is drawing criticism from city officials, reporters…

Solidarity with St. Louis community

September 25, 2017

The Anti Police-Terror Project held a rally on Sept. 20 at Oscar Grant Plaza in Oakland, Calif., in solidarity with…

Oscar López Rivera in Philadelphia: ‘Colonialism is a crime against humanity’

September 25, 2017

Philadelphia — “Colonialism is a crime against humanity.” These words, from Puerto Rican freedom fighter Oscar López Rivera, ring even…

Released freedom fighter to speak in NYC Sept. 30

September 25, 2017

Freedom fighter Rev. Edward Pinkney, recently released from prison after serving 30 months, will be at a reception and public…

Capitalism, environmental racism and injustice

September 24, 2017

More than just torrential rains and flooding from Hurricane Harvey have put Houston in the spotlight. The fourth-largest city in…

Red Cross grabs disaster money, fails to serve

September 24, 2017

Over mainstream and social media, the American Red Cross is generating an avalanche of fundraising commercials for donations for both…

Anti-racist banner hung at Red Sox game

September 24, 2017

During a Sept. 13 Major Baseball League game between the Boston Red Sox and Oakland Athletics, four white anti-racists hung…

Boston rally supports immigrants

September 24, 2017

Hundreds rallied at the Massachusetts State House on Sept. 16 to protest President Trump’s decision to end the DACA (Deferred…

In Seattle: Stop ICE raids and prisons

September 24, 2017

A hundred people rallied against Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids at ICE headquarters in downtown Seattle on Sept. 12. This…