Massive immigrant raids conducted in sanctuary cities

October 2, 2017

The bigot-in-chief in the White House has intensified his aggressive, racist war on immigrants. For four days, starting on Sept.…

Baltimore transit riders: ‘Sink the Link’!

October 2, 2017

Dozens of protesters affiliated with the Baltimore Bus and Transit Riders’ Union, an organizing project of the Baltimore People’s Power…

Catalans defy Spanish cops to vote pro-independence

October 2, 2017

The Spanish state’s brutal attempt to repress the Oct. 1 referendum for self-determination of Catalan boomeranged on the Madrid regime.…

Michigan unions fight union-busting

September 29, 2017

Lansing, Mich. — The scene was a sea of red outside the Capitol Commons building in Lansing, Mich., on Sept.…

Immigrant prisoners demand minimum wage

September 29, 2017

After years of immigrant prisoners’ protests and hunger strikes, Washington state is finally demanding that the Geo Group, operator of…

Vietnam: Truth and ‘documentary’

September 29, 2017

The Public Broadcasting Service documentary series on the Vietnam War has provoked angry and insightful responses from anti-war and anti-imperialist…

New York City ‘Who’s the biggest slumlord?’

September 29, 2017

A multinational crowd of protesters united for a Sept. 21 noon rally against the New York City Housing Authority at…

Workers battle French government’s assault

September 29, 2017

In September, three major protests have taken place against President Emmanuel Macron, whose party, Forward the Republic (LREM), is trying…

Racist monuments in Durham, N.C.: Coming down ‘by any means necessary’

September 27, 2017

Continuing the righteous struggle to take down monuments to racism and white supremacy, some 50 protesters rallied at a Sept.…

Oklahoma City: Hundreds protest cop killing of deaf neighbor

September 27, 2017

Hundreds came out in protest in Oklahoma City on Sept. 24, outraged at the cop killing of their Latinx neighbor,…