University of Chicago graduate workers win historic union vote

October 23, 2017

In a decisive and historic victory in the struggle for graduate workers at private universities across the United States, the…

The White House general’s racism

October 23, 2017

The new administration never gives us a chance to forget that it is a vipers’ nest of racists and militarists.…

‘Real Detroiters Speak Out’ to World Conference of Mayors

October 22, 2017

The World Conference of Mayors is convening its 33rd anniversary conference in Detroit from Oct. 23 to Oct. 26. Was…

‘Do It Like Durham’: What it means

October 22, 2017

Below is a speech given by LT Tran to a New York public meeting titled “Do It Like Durham” held…

Indigenous Peoples Day: ‘Debunking Columbus’

October 22, 2017

By Johnnie Stevens and Sara Catalinotto Indigenous Peoples Day in New York City this year featured a two-day cultural festival,…

400,000 workers hit the streets in France

October 21, 2017

“Badly paid, scorned, our jobs in jeopardy, layoffs, cuts in sick pay, tax hikes, increased required deductions for teachers’ pensions,…

Coverup continues of U.S. role in Indonesian massacres

October 20, 2017

Recently declassified documents from the U.S. Embassy in Indonesia show, according to such newspapers as the New York Times and…

U.S.-based groups hold news conference to condemn Trump’s threats against north Korea

October 19, 2017

Oct. 18 — Today, representatives of the International Committee of the National Lawyers Guild and anti-war organizations held a news conference…

‘Street speakout against U.S. war & racism’

October 19, 2017

At a “Street Speakout Against U.S. War & Racism,” organizations representing struggles against U.S. imperialism on the Korean peninsula, the…

‘No Muslim Ban Ever’

October 19, 2017

San Francisco — Several hundred people gathered here on Oct. 9 at the Civic Center Plaza to demand “No Muslim…