Stop racist Ryan’s tax plan: Workers to suffer while bosses benefit

November 7, 2017

"The only things one can be sure of regarding whatever it is that the Republican congressional majorities come up with…

WWP youth leader speaks at Bolshevik commemoration

November 7, 2017

Mond Jones, a youth leader of the Detroit branch of Workers World Party, spoke and was well received at a…

Community outrage over San Francisco taser vote

November 7, 2017

By Jeremy Miller and Terri Kay The San Francisco Police Commission at a “public” hearing on Nov. 3 narrowly voted…

La lucha gana cambio de nombre racista

November 7, 2017

Los residentes de San Antonio, Texas, finalmente ganaron después de casi tres años solicitando y pidiendo a la junta escolar…

Imperialismo petrolero de EE.UU. amenaza a Iran con buques de guerra

November 7, 2017

El jefe imperialista en la Casa Blanca está aumentando la hostilidad contra Irán. Está amenazando de sacar a Estados Unidos…

Venezuela Consul General: ‘The Revolution remains popular’

November 7, 2017

Los Angeles, Oct. 24 — Consul General of Venezuela Antonio Cordero, visiting from the Consulate in San Francisco, told an…

Cuba responds to ‘sonic attack’ allegations

November 7, 2017

The following edited statement was issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cuba on Oct. 3. The full text…

The Bergdahl case: ‘Taking responsibility’

November 7, 2017

Bowe Bergdahl’s recent sentencing hearing did not address whether he’s guilty or not. Bergdahl had already pleaded guilty, both to…

When the Border Patrol arrests a 10-year-old

November 7, 2017

Rosa María Hernández is 10 years old. She has had cerebral palsy from birth, and so, her elementary school teachers…

Gen. John Kelly, an apologist for Gen. Robert E. Lee

November 6, 2017

As if further proof was needed that Trump and many administration officials  are pro-white supremacy, White House Chief of Staff,…