Community leaders arrested in housing protest

November 10, 2017

New York City, Nov. 2 — “Kill the deal!’ shouted a hundred angry protesters, mostly people of color, in downtown…

Workers win fight for $15 in Maryland

November 10, 2017

Rockville, Md., Nov. 7 – Chants of “¡Sí, se puede!” and “Yes, we can!” rang out loudly here today in…

Left groups commemorate Bolshevik Revolution

November 10, 2017

About 250 people gathered in Manhattan on Nov. 7 to celebrate, commemorate and analyze the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik…

Protests against tax hikes rock Haiti

November 10, 2017

A series of militant demonstrations took place throughout Haiti in September and October. At first, the target of the protests…

Merchant of death pushes high-tech arms on Asia

November 8, 2017

Nov. 7 — Crude, clumsy and a thorough-going capitalist — that was U.S. President Donald Trump at work this week…

Trump, China and the DPRK

November 8, 2017

When the U.S. delegation headed by President Donald Trump visits People’s China from Nov. 8 to 10, there will be…

U.N. votes against Cuba blockade

November 8, 2017

New York — For the 26th consecutive year, Cuba’s resolution, “Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed…

‘Bolshevik Deputies in the Tsarist Duma’

November 8, 2017

The centenary of the Russian Revolution has brought a burst of interest in one of the most profound and significant…

Stop racist Ryan’s tax plan: Workers to suffer while bosses benefit

November 7, 2017

"The only things one can be sure of regarding whatever it is that the Republican congressional majorities come up with…

WWP youth leader speaks at Bolshevik commemoration

November 7, 2017

Mond Jones, a youth leader of the Detroit branch of Workers World Party, spoke and was well received at a…