Congolese women fight ‘invisible hands’ of exploitation

December 18, 2017

Marie-Claude Manga, social worker, pastor and fighter for the rights of oppressed women, brought the story of the plight of…

South Carolina: Community/labor organizing wins some justice for Walter Scott

December 18, 2017

After more than a year and a half of waiting, the family of Walter L. Scott sees some semblance of…

Philippine solidarity groups launch coalition

December 17, 2017

Portland, Ore. — The International Coalition for Human Rights in the Philippines (ICHRP) launched a broad-based coalition on Dec. 9…

Growing fightback against immigrant detention

December 17, 2017

Tacoma, Wash. — The increase in Immigration and Customs Enforcement raids and detentions has led to an increase in resistance…

On International Day of Persons with Disabilities activists demand ‘Equality, access and medicare care!’

December 14, 2017

New York — The People’s Power Assembly and wheelchair users led a protest on Dec. 3 that gathered in New…

CUNY workers say: ‘Resist austerity!’

December 14, 2017

Holding a huge, electrified banner reading “Resist austerity,” while chanting to the rhythm of a brass band, hundreds of members…

On the picket line

December 14, 2017

N.C. wages class war against farmworkers The North Carolina ruling class is trying to rip labor rights from 100,000 farmworkers.…

San Diego forum says ‘Free Mumia and all political prisoners’

December 14, 2017

San Diego — Workers World Party hosted a “Free All Political Prisoners” forum at the Brown Building, a space for…

Do it like Durham! Interview with Takiyah Thompson

December 13, 2017

These last few months have been a flurry of emotions. Watching my daughter leaves me in awe, because she embodies…

From Baltimore to Palestine: Abolish racist occupation

December 13, 2017

Dozens of Baltimore activists and locals congregated Dec. 9 outside the Baltimore Police Department headquarters at 601 Fayette St. Despite…