‘Justice For Jovan!’ resounds in Rockford, Ill.

January 10, 2018

In a gross miscarriage of justice in a courthouse in Rockford, Ill., Winnebago County Judge John Lowry abruptly dismissed murder…

Shirley Littman: Women workers’ champion, Presente!

January 10, 2018

Shirley Littman, labor union, anti-war, social justice activist and “Raging Grannies” artist, died on Dec. 7 in New York City.…

Trump presidency survives by paying off the ruling class

January 9, 2018

Journalist Michael Wolff’s new book “Fire and Fury” depicts Donald Trump as totally unfit to serve as the chief executive…

A visit with Mumia Abu-Jamal

January 9, 2018

Prisoner ailing but still fighting Mahanoy SCI, Pa. — Philadelphia political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal looks older than he should at…

Perspective on the Iranian protests

January 9, 2018

Mass demonstration in Iran’s provincial cities made international news as 2017 ended and elicited tweets from the U.S. president warning…

Activists call for ‘Days of Rage against Trump and Capitalism’

January 9, 2018

Despite a brutal year of attacks on the working class, especially on the most oppressed, the spirit of rebellion cannot…

Capitalism’s weather war

January 9, 2018

The devastating cold weather in half of the U.S. during the past weeks has been covered almost gleefully by the…

Corea Popular resiste amenazas de EUA

January 9, 2018

¿De dónde viene el peligro de otra guerra? ¿Proviene de la República Popular Democrática de Corea, que no tiene bases…

Durham People’s Tribunal to put white supremacy on trial

January 8, 2018

Activists put courts, cops on trial By Tyler Stuart and LeiLani Dowell Durham, N.C. Comrades and community members in Durham…

Palestinian youth defy Trump and Israeli soldiers

January 8, 2018

“The young women shown assaulting the soldiers ‘should finish their lives in prison’” was the view expressed by Israeli Education…