Pack the court for Mumia on Jan. 17!

January 13, 2018

In a case that could lead to freedom for political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, Pennsylvania Court of Common Pleas Judge Leon…

Odioso recorte de impuestos

January 13, 2018

Cuando el Congreso finalmente aprobó la mal llamada Ley de recortes de impuestos y empleos (TCJA por las siglas en…

Eyewitness Durham: Felony charges dropped against freedom fighters!

January 11, 2018

The following is an eyewitness account of the Jan. 11 court hearing for eight activists who tore down a Confederate…

Activists call for ‘Days of Rage against Trump and Capitalism’

January 11, 2018

Despite a brutal year of attacks on the working class, especially on the most oppressed, the spirit of rebellion cannot…

Free Ahed Tamimi!

January 11, 2018

An emergency response rally of over 150 people demanded freedom for the 16-year-old Palestinian woman Ahed Tamimi in New York…

Muslim prisoners resist torture in Texas

January 11, 2018

“A stupid prisoner is a good prisoner.” This belief has been put into practice in a Texas prison, the Ramsey…

Confederate Blue

January 11, 2018

By Nanon Williams and Donshá Crump The authors are incarcerated on the Ramsey Prison farm in Texas, formerly the home…

Koreans seek detente despite U.S. threats

January 10, 2018

Jan. 8 — A turn has taken place in the crisis building over the Korean peninsula as the U.S. threatened…

New WWP branch salutes MLK Day

January 10, 2018

Workers World Party can thank misogynist, white supremacist Donald Trump for one thing and one thing only: The 45th has…

Palestinian youth defy Trump & Israeli soldiers

January 10, 2018

“The young women shown assaulting the soldiers ‘should finish their lives in prison’” was the view expressed by Israeli Education…