Florida organizer: ‘Help sustain prisoner strike!’

January 24, 2018

White interviewed Karen Smith from the Incarcerated Workers Organizing Committee on Jan. 20. White: Can you provide some background on…

Women activists on capitalism, imperialism

January 24, 2018

An inspiring forum featuring three young, dynamic, women revolutionaries was organized by the New York City chapter of Workers World…

Boston organizers fight ICE, DCF

January 24, 2018

Boston — Supporters gathered Jan. 9 in front of the John F. Kennedy Federal Building here to demand justice for…

Women in ICE detention attempt suicide

January 24, 2018

In yet another blatant instance of cruel and inhumane treatment of migrant workers in the U.S., a woman in an…

Inauguration protesters’ charges dropped

January 24, 2018

The following edited press release was issued on Jan. 19. San Francisco, Jan. 18 — Chief Assistant District Attorney Shannon…

Mumia hearing postponed

January 24, 2018

On Jan. 17, Philadelphia’s Criminal Justice Center was packed with scores of activists and friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal. Both outside…

Two-party DACA cruelty: Migrants pawn in gov’t shutdown

January 23, 2018

The working-class movement and the oppressed here must answer Trump and the entire racist, anti-immigrant establishment with cross-border solidarity, with…

Women’s health care attacked on Roe v. Wade anniversary

January 23, 2018

The notoriously women-hating, blatantly white supremacist, anti-abortion Donald Trump administration timed a draconian law and hostile new federal rulings to…

Marching toward progressive unity in women’s liberation

January 23, 2018

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="35222,35227,35223,35224,35225,35226"] For the second consecutive year, massive demonstrations led by women swept through the United States, countering the…

Gymnasts bravely expose Nassar sexual abuse

January 23, 2018

UPDATE: As of Jan. 26, Larry Nassar was sentenced to 40 to 175 years in prison for being found guilty…