Madison, Wis.: Takiyah Thompson on removing white supremacy from the U.S. landscape

February 8, 2018

The Madison, Wis., branch of Workers World Party hosted Takiyah Thompson on Feb. 4 as part of their national speaking…

Action needed! Pennsylvania DOC prison system threatens to ban Workers World newspaper for reporting on Florida prison strike

February 7, 2018

The Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is threatening to censor Workers World newspaper from being read by over 300 prisoners in…

Indigenous, female, Zapatista – and running for president of Mexico

February 7, 2018

This year’s presidential campaign in Mexico is already making history, no matter the outcome. María de Jesús Patricio Martínez, an…

Market turmoil: What it means for workers

February 6, 2018

As we write this — noon on Tuesday, Feb. 6 — the global financial markets are in their third day…

Trump, the generals and the FBI

February 6, 2018

A most remarkable and telling indicator of where the ruling class stands today on the question of war and peace…

Unite to say: ‘No war on Korea!’

February 6, 2018

The progressive movements in the United States — those struggling for the rights of people of color, low-wage workers, women,…

New York protest says ‘Puerto Rico is not for sale!’

February 6, 2018

Puerto Ricans and supporters held an early-morning militant protest Feb. 1 at the Alexander Hamilton U.S. Custom House in lower…

Detroiters defend immigrant rights

February 6, 2018

Frigid weather in downtown Detroit on Feb. 3 did not deter defenders of the Dreamers and the Deferred Action for…

Seattle school bus drivers strike for health care

February 6, 2018

Feb. 5 — Over 400 Seattle school bus drivers, members of Teamsters Local 174, went on strike against First Student,…

Trump y la clase dominante, de Davos a DACA y Mueller

February 6, 2018

29 de enero - Donald Trump, el jefe ejecutivo racista, intolerante, autoritario y derechista del imperialismo estadounidense, quien es despreciado…