Organizers explain why they march against U.S. wars on April 14-15

April 7, 2018

SpringAction 2018, a significant coalition of hundreds of progressive groups, has been mobilizing for anti-war demonstrations across the U.S. on…

Israeli massacre in Gaza protested

April 6, 2018

Within a few hours of the news that Israel had attacked the Great March of Return, a crowd gathered in…

Dr. Olivia Hooker, teacher, survivor of 1921 Tulsa racist attack

April 6, 2018

Update to this slightly edited article, originally published in Workers World on March 3, 2016: Not only is Dr. Hooker…

Berlin Easter Peace March: ‘No!’ to war with Russia

April 6, 2018

The traditional Easter Peace March began in England in 1958. West Germans began in 1960, and their march ended ended…

The Finnish workers’ revolution of 1918

April 6, 2018

The Communist League of Finland presented the following paper to an international seminar in Mexico City March 8-10, organized by…

Memorial for Milt Neidenberg: Workers pay tribute to revolutionary boldness

April 6, 2018

Milt Neidenberg’s comrades, family and friends gathered in New York City on March 31 to celebrate his life. In moving…

Oklahoma’s teachers confront the Capitol

April 3, 2018

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="36425,36426"] By Otis Grotewohl and Molly Matewan April 2 — Tens of thousands of Oklahoma educators, state workers,…

Police murder of Stephon Clark ignites militant protests

April 3, 2018

The heinous murder of 22-year-old African-American Stephon Clark by the Sacramento, Calif., police on the night of March 18 continues…

‘End police terror’ rings out in midtown Manhattan

April 3, 2018

More than 1,500 people took the streets of New York City on March 28 to demand an immediate end to…

Lessons of the April 1968 Black rebellions

April 3, 2018

Following are excerpts from an April 11, 1968, WW article by Workers World Party founding chairperson Sam Marcy, a week…