Anti-war April 14-15: Why we march

April 12, 2018

SpringAction 2018, a significant coalition of hundreds of progressive groups, has been mobilizing for anti-war demonstrations across the U.S. on…

Syrians react to threats to bomb their country

April 12, 2018

By Karin Leukefeld Damascus, Syria The following article, published in the German daily newspaper Junge Welt on April 12, was…

Chicago: ‘No monuments to racism’

April 12, 2018

Near a busy corner on Chicago's South Side, on April 7, cars slowed and passersby honked or raised their fists…

May Day call to action: End the U.S. war on immigrants

April 12, 2018

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="36549,36550"] As May Day approaches, migrants and refugees in the U.S. and around the world remain in a…

Poor People’s Campaign: building for action

April 12, 2018

Over a hundred people showed up to discuss and work on the growing Poor People’s Campaign on April 7 at…

Solidarity between French and U.S. workers!

April 12, 2018

Workers World Party in the United States wants to express its great admiration and total solidarity for the current struggle…

Syria poison gas? Pretext for U.S. military attack

April 10, 2018

U.S. wars are based on lies and staged provocations. This is hardly news. Now comes the charge that on April…

End police murders = Abolish capitalism

April 10, 2018

The recent police executions of two Black men — Stephon Clark in Sacramento, Calif., and Saheed Vassell in Brooklyn, N.Y.…

North Carolina workers continue MLK’s fight for economic and civil rights

April 10, 2018

Durham, N.C. — When the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. came to Memphis, Tenn., in support of striking sanitation…

Workers mass in Memphis commemorate Dr. King and sanitation strikers

April 10, 2018

Memphis, Tenn., April 4 — Thousands of people from far and wide, including worker delegations, gathered here on the 50th…