Syrian people defy U.S. missiles

April 17, 2018

The U.S. president has led a Gang of Three into an aggressive assault on Syria. The attack by the Pentagon,…

Trump and the neocons

April 17, 2018

Just hours before he ordered the missile strikes on Damascus on April 13, President Trump granted a pardon to Lewis…

Syrian trade unions appeal for solidarity

April 17, 2018

The following appeal was issued by the Executive Bureau of the General Federation of Trade Unions of  the Syrian Arab…

From coast to coast: Hands off Syria!

April 17, 2018

When the United States, Britain and France launched 107 missiles against Syria on April 13, an angry outcry followed in…

Chicago anti-war coalition to march

April 15, 2018

The Chicago Anti-War Coalition, a new formation composed of dozens of organizations, will rally and march on April 21 to…

Spectrum strike: Second year in workers’ war with banks

April 15, 2018

It has now been over a year since 1,800 members of International Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 3 went on strike…

Lula behind bars, workers in Brazil get ready to fight

April 15, 2018

“If my crime was putting poor, Black people in universities, allowing poor people to eat meat, to have their own…

Labor in France confronts President Macron, tool of the oligarchs

April 15, 2018

Paris, April 8 — Since the beginning of March, France has plunged into social turbulence. Dissatisfaction is rising everywhere. Demonstrations…

Rail workers’ strike in France impacts big business

April 15, 2018

The French railroad strike currently on two days out of five — two days strike followed by three days working,…

U.S. hands off Venezuela

April 15, 2018

When the Wall Street Journal starts shedding crocodile tears over the plight of the Venezuelan people, it’s time to watch…