‘Marx @ 200’: class struggle in Trump age

April 27, 2018

In recent years, we’ve witnessed a sharp increase in racist attacks against migrants and the working class, especially since the…

Chicago: Justice for Jerome Aba

April 27, 2018

Chicago activists from numerous organizations spoke out on April 20 against the detainment, torture and deportation of Filipino, Moro Muslim,…

Capitalism caused opiate epidemic

April 27, 2018

There’s an opiate epidemic currently ravaging the working class in the U.S. Tens of thousands of people have died already,…

Haitians protest Trump, racism

April 27, 2018

More than 200 Haitians and their supporters marched across the Brooklyn Bridge on April 20 to say NO! to Trump.…

Portland, Ore., protesters say ’Stop U.S. warship’

April 27, 2018

Portland, Ore. — Protesters gathered April 21 in industrial Portland behind a banner that read, “Stop the U.S. War Machine,”…

NYC May Day plans: ‘Fight together, strike to win’

April 26, 2018

Worker-activists, community leaders and organizers unfurled a striking red banner in New York’s Union Square Park on April 24 to…

Milwaukee teachers defend the public schools

April 26, 2018

Thousands took the streets in Milwaukee on April 24 to defend public education and to stop austerity in a “Picket…

Hundreds rally for Anthony Hill in Georgia

April 26, 2018

Decatur, Ga. — Hundreds turned out April 21 at the courthouse here to rally for Anthony Hill. The march and…

Veterans For Peace says ‘End U.S. warmaking around the globe’

April 26, 2018

From a talk by Gerry Condon, who is president of the board of directors of Veterans For Peace, given at…

WWP leader on Senate bid: ‘Running to win our future’

April 26, 2018

The following edited statement was issued by John Parker, a leader of Workers World Party and the current Peace and…