Philadelphia Orchestra protests gain support

May 16, 2018

Philadelphia — Since early April, Palestine solidarity activists have gathered outside the Kimmel Center every week to tell the Philadelphia…

Justice for Jose Campos Torres

May 16, 2018

Houston — On Cinco de Mayo, we think of people celebrating, drinking margaritas and eating Mexican food. But for the…

U.S. delegation celebrates May Day with Cuba

May 16, 2018

    Havana — More than 70 allies of Cuba living in the U.S. celebrated International Workers’ Day in Havana…

Torture for a dying system

May 16, 2018

With two Democratic senators having announced their support for Gina Haspel to become the new head of the CIA, it…

Snipers massacre Gazans as Palestinians resist Israeli apartheid

May 15, 2018

May 15 — Even as the Trump administration celebrated the move of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem…

Karl Marx and the working-class struggle today

May 15, 2018

Introductory remarks given at the event "Marx@200: Class Struggle in the Age of Trump," hosted by Workers World Party, on…

Detrás de la campaña contra Irán de Trump

May 15, 2018

La decisión de la administración Trump de retirarse del acuerdo nuclear con Irán es una nueva demostración de la ambición…

Trabajadoras/es de educación y lucha de clase

May 15, 2018

Esta es una versión ligeramente editada de una charla dada en la Midwest Marxist School en Detroit en abril de…

Barry Bonds still denied the right to Baseball Hall of Fame

May 15, 2018

Excerpted from Facebook. Colin Kaepernick is a great example of an athlete who is politically active and a true leader…

U.S. threatens wider war on Syria, Iran

May 15, 2018

President Donald Trump announced on May 8 that the U.S. was unilaterally leaving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action --…