U.S. puts stamp of approval on Israeli murder of Gazans

May 23, 2018

Two side-by-side photos from May 14 were splashed across the front pages of newspapers around the globe and all forms…

‘Pablo lives! Death to the gig economy!’

May 23, 2018

Philadelphia — About two hundred friends, co-workers and family members rallied here on May 19 to celebrate the life of Pablo Avendano.…


May 23, 2018

Let’s make this a long, hot summer for the bigots and the bourgeoisie. This is the summer for strikes, for…

‘En Brasil recrudeció la represión y vulneración a los derechos’

May 23, 2018

Por Jorge Marchini Colaborador del Centro Latinoamericano de Análisis Estratégico (CLAE)/Rebelión Rosa Maria Marques, es profesora titular del Departamento de…

Youth ignite new anti-war movement

May 20, 2018

Over 30 young students and workers gathered on May 5 at the entrance to Johns Hopkins University for a demonstration…

Ecuador: Free Jorge Glas!

May 20, 2018

Based on a talk given at a May 10 Workers World Party meeting in New York City. The writer is…

North Carolina public education workers flood state capital

May 18, 2018

Raleigh, N.C., May 16 — Almost 20,000 teachers and supporters rallied today in North Carolina’s capital to defend public education.…

Stop the war threats against Korea!

May 18, 2018

May 17 — Workers World Party (U.S.) condemns the threatening moves made by the Trump administration and the Pentagon that…

National movement bails out Black mamas

May 18, 2018

Mother’s Day is a designated annual day to honor all mothers and celebrate their love, sacrifices and dedication to their…

Iowans protest ICE raid

May 18, 2018

Mount Pleasant, Iowa — Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents arrested 32 immigrant workers after raiding the concrete manufacturing plant MPC…