Protests demand ‘Cancel tour to apartheid Israel!’

June 1, 2018

Philadelphia — Palestine solidarity activists have held weekly demonstrations since April 6 outside the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts here. They…

Karl Marx & the working-class struggle today

June 1, 2018

Introductory remarks given at the event “Marx@200: Class Struggle in the Age of Trump,” hosted by Workers World Party, on May…

Against the continued occupation of Iraq

June 1, 2018

The International Anti-Occupation Network in Tunis issued this statement on May 13. Fifteen years have passed since the U.S.-led invasion.…

Anti-imperialists support Palestine

June 1, 2018

Manik Mukherjee, Vice President of the All India Anti-imperialist Forum, issued the following ­statement on May 15. The All India…

Why we defend Korea

May 31, 2018

Ever since its establishment in 1948, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has been under the threat — at times…

Support for Palestine

May 31, 2018

Hundreds of demonstrators rallied in New York City’s Times Square on May 18. They marched to the Consulate General of…

‘Palestine will be free!’

May 31, 2018

Chanting “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” and “Israel, Israel, you shall learn, by the millions…

Energy workers in France take ‘Robin Hood’ actions

May 31, 2018

Paris, France, May 27 — In numerous corners of France, workers and students’ struggles continue as May draws to an end.…

U.S. war on migrants accelerates

May 29, 2018

Claudia Patricia Gomez Gonzales, an unarmed woman from Guatemala, was shot in the head and killed on May 23 by…

Trump administration attacks low-income women and workers

May 29, 2018

Between May 18 and 21, two arms of the Trump administration delivered a one-two punch. One knocked down poor women’s…