New Orleans protest targets Sessions

June 20, 2018

Within hours of learning that Attorney General Jeff Sessions was speaking to the National Sheriffs’ Association on June 18, the…

MOVE member Debbie Africa released

June 17, 2018

Philadelphia — In the early morning of June 16, after nearly 40 years of unjust imprisonment by the state of…

Colorado rally urges ‘zero tolerance’ for family separation

June 17, 2018

Aurora, Colo. — Nearly 500 people gathered in front of the GEO-ICE Detention Center here on June 14 to protest…

Strikes on all fronts in France

June 17, 2018

Paris, France, June 15 — In recent months, while social conflicts in France have heated up, the corporate media here…

Protests hit racist Rizzo statue

June 17, 2018

Philadelphia protesters gathered June 5 in front of the fascist monument to racist former Mayor Frank Rizzo. They demanded present…

Baltimore activists target ICE

June 17, 2018

A very successful protest was held on the steps of the Baltimore field office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement on…

NY forum: Puerto Rican resistance fierce!

June 17, 2018

A new generation of revolutionaries shared their views with older ones at a program on Puerto Rico here on June…

CUBA: We hear you and see you

June 17, 2018

You have heard a lot about Cuba. Maybe your friends or neighbors traveled there after direct commercial flights from U.S.…

John Parker for Senate: ‘We’ll continue fighting in the streets’

June 17, 2018

Following is an interview with John Parker, the Workers World Party candidate for U.S. Senate in the 2018 elections in…

‘We are a new unsettling force!’

June 17, 2018

Albany, N.Y. — New York state legislators were challenged on June 4, when a multinational force of more than 200…