Chicago youth rally for missing and murdered Black women and girls

June 24, 2018

Chicago — As school let out for the summer on June 19, a small crowd gathered on King Drive on…

Trump, Korea, NATO: Where is the world going?

June 24, 2018

Even as the Trump administration unleashes the repressive instruments of the state to terrorize, imprison and tear apart im/migrant families…

Attack on Yemen port city puts millions at risk

June 24, 2018

With U.S. logistical and intelligence aid, the Saudi Arabia-United Arab Emirates coalition of reactionary monarchies in the Persian/Arabian Gulf region…

Cops in Haiti attack workers, injuring dozens

June 24, 2018

For over a year, workers in Haiti’s needle trades have been organizing, protesting and striking to raise their daily minimum…

Stop repression in Transnistria!

June 24, 2018

Communists and socialists in the former Soviet Union and worldwide are calling for the immediate release of Oleg Horzhan, leader…

#NoDAPL water protectors continue the struggle

June 23, 2018

The historic Indigenous-led struggle of thousands against the Dakota Access Pipeline at Standing Rock may not be news in the…

‘No justice, no rent!’

June 23, 2018

New York — Some 20 tenant groups brought at least 1,000 of their working-class members to rally on the steps…

Community/union power defends fired health care workers

June 23, 2018

Boston — Over 100 workers and protesters rallied outside the Whittier Street Health Center in Roxbury, Mass., on June 15…

On the picket line

June 23, 2018

Workers protest to save Kroger jobs A fight to stop possible job loss led hundreds of members of Food and…

Cheers for ‘Abolish death penalty’

June 23, 2018

The Juneteenth Parade, an annual event in Houston, memorializes the day in 1865 when the Emancipation Proclamation was put into…