Workers World opens Chicago Solidarity Center!

June 30, 2018

Over 50 neighbors, friends and comrades joined in a party and cookout on June 15 to celebrate the grand opening…

Europe’s humanitarian migrant crisis deepens

June 28, 2018

A humanitarian and political crisis is brewing in the European Union over the issue of im/migrants. Millions upon millions of…

‘They stole us, they sold us, they owe us!’

June 28, 2018

Despite threatened thundershowers, 50 people took to the streets of Newark, N.J., on June 23 to demand reparations for Black…

Rallies for Palestine

June 28, 2018

San Diego honors Palestinian rescue worker Workers World Party hosted a rally and vigil in San Diego on June 22…

Janus decision and labor’s fightback

June 27, 2018

June 27 — Today the Supreme Court of the United States delivered a major attack on organized labor, ruling in…

Supreme Court: Fake abortion clinics have license to lie

June 27, 2018

June 26 — The Supreme Court today handed the well-funded, well-organized, reactionary, Christian, anti-abortion network a bouquet of red roses…

Statement from FIRE: Fight for refugees and im/migrants everywhere!

June 26, 2018

Resistance is rising to fight U.S. atrocities against im/migrants and refugees, with massive marches set for June 30. Taking part…

Migrant rights movement can stop deportations, arrests

June 26, 2018

People all over the U.S. are up in arms with righteous indignation. From every corner of the country, from every…

Protesters demand: ‘Reunite migrant families! No detentions or deportations!’

June 26, 2018

[gallery type="rectangular" ids="37889,37892,37890,37893,37894,37895,37896,37897,37891"] Outrage has been sweeping the U.S. with mass protests erupting from coast to coast since April 6…

Im/migrant rights solidarity from India

June 26, 2018

The Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist) and its mass organizations are carrying out solidarity protests against the separation of…