Philadelphia protesters occupy ICE, shut it down

July 5, 2018

In the early afternoon of July 5 without warning, police — including SWAT, Counter Terrorism and Homeland Security — took…

Bryant Arroyo: Desde el interior de una prisión

July 5, 2018

1ra Parte Incluso desde los confines de una institución correccional estatal en la zona rural de Pensilvania, Bryant Arroyo está…

Strategy changes for strike on French railroads

July 5, 2018

Paris, France — The "reformist" (CFDT) and right-wing (UNSA) union federations officially exited the struggle against the management of the…

In Mexican election, masses move left

July 3, 2018

Some 53 percent of Mexicans who went to the polls elected Andrés Manuel López Obrador, popularly known as AMLO, as…

Rep. Waters, the Democrats and white supremacy

July 3, 2018

Los Angeles — At a rally here on June 24, U.S. Congressperson ­Maxine Waters came out hard against the vicious…

Star player: ‘U.S. soccer is a rich white-kid sport’

July 3, 2018

Hope Solo is a former goalkeeper for the U.S. women’s national soccer team, a two-time Olympic gold medalist and a…

Detroiters build support for Lucasville Uprising defendants

July 3, 2018

Detroit activists had the opportunity June 30 to learn about the 1993 prison rebellion at the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility…

Will tariff war boomerang on workers in U.S.?

July 3, 2018

To defend imposing steep tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum from Canada and Mexico, and then similar tariffs on…

On the picket line

July 3, 2018

Hundreds of LA caregivers march for higher wages Hundreds of in-home care workers marched through downtown Los Angeles June 26…

Protest the anti-worker Janus decision

July 3, 2018

The Professional Staff Congress-City University of New York called a “day-of” demonstration in New York’s Foley Square to protest the…