On the picket line

August 4, 2018

1,800 Vermont nurses strike for raises and safe staffing The 1,800 nurses and 300 health professionals at the University of…

Vietnam, August 1968: GIs in military prisons rebel

August 4, 2018

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of GI uprisings in two military prisons in Vietnam during the U.S. war there, Workers…

Race, class and mass incarceration

August 2, 2018

San Diego — Author Curtis Howard, an activist in All of Us or None who is a formerly incarcerated person,…

Georgia prisoners resist psychological torture

August 2, 2018

Atlanta — The Georgia Diagnostic and Classification Prison in Jackson, otherwise known as Jackson Prison, is being exposed for subjecting…

South Carolina prisons: Death by medical neglect

August 2, 2018

This is Part 3 of an interview conducted after an April 15 rebellion at Lee Correctional Institution, a South Carolina…

Boston meeting defends the incarcerated

August 2, 2018

Former prisoners, prison abolitionists and supporters gathered in Boston on July 28 to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Lucasville…

U.S. Big Business buys Trump’s election and blames Russia

August 2, 2018

President Trump won the 2016 election with at least $1 billion in contributions — also known as bribes — from…

Philly protests U.S. colonization of Puerto Rico

August 1, 2018

On July 25, 1898, U.S. Marines invaded Puerto Rico. The U.S. continues to occupy that nation 120 years later, against…

Charter-Spectrum strikers left in limbo

August 1, 2018

The New York state Public Service Commission rescinded the Charter/Time Warner merger on July 27. It effectively threw Charter, the…

NFL players force bosses to put anthem policy on hold

July 31, 2018

July 30 — The struggle between National Football League players and billionaire owners continues to dominate sports and political headlines…