WWP denounces illegal seizure of Oscar López Rivera

August 8, 2018

Aug. 7 — Workers World Party/Mundo Obrero (USA) denounces the seizure of the Puerto Rican independence fighter Oscar López Rivera…

Aumenta solidaridad clasista para migrantes

August 8, 2018

La guerra racista de la administración Trump contra las/os inmigrantes continúa. Son detenidas/os y arrestadas/os en la frontera de Texas/México,…

La vivienda es un derecho

August 8, 2018

Mientras el mercado de valores y las ganancias se disparan, también lo hace el costo de la vivienda en EUA.…

A #MeToo moment at Ohio State

August 8, 2018

The scandal that has erupted at Ohio State regarding its high-­profile football coach centers around a pervasive issue throughout class…

Freedom Flotilla to Gaza assaulted by Israeli Occupation Forces

August 6, 2018

The Israeli Occupation Force stopped and boarded by force the fishing boat al-Awda (the Return) between 40 and 50 nautical…

Behind the assassination attempt in Venezuela

August 6, 2018

Aug. 7 — An assassination attempt on Aug. 5 on the life of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro prompted headlines in…

Smash white supremacy!

August 6, 2018

A year ago, a coalition of far-right, white supremacist organizations descended on the city of Charlottesville, Va., to hold a…

Justice for NutriAsia workers!

August 6, 2018

Striking NutriAsia food workers in the Philippines have been heard around the world. More than 300 workers in Marilao, Bulacan…

Housing is a right

August 4, 2018

Even as the stock market and profits soar, so does the cost of housing in the United States. A transformation…

France: From state repression to state scandal

August 4, 2018

Paris, July 29 — In recent months, crackdowns on social movements in France have jumped several notches. The state of…