Uniting migrant, LGBTQ and HIV struggles

August 11, 2018

When most people read the phrase “AIDS crisis,” they likely envision a period of the 1980s and early 1990s when…

Detroit janitors win $15/hour

August 11, 2018

Detroit — The movement for a $15-an-hour minimum wage for all workers took a step forward in Detroit when 1,700…

Racial struggle, workers solidarity in ‘SORRY TO BOTHER YOU’

August 9, 2018

A surprising blockbuster film of this summer is “Sorry to Bother You” by Boots Riley of the Oakland-based rap group…

Occupy ICE SATX, a beacon of hope

August 9, 2018

San Antonio, Aug. 4 — Occupy ICE SATX’s 24-hour occupation officially kicked off with a general assembly on July 17,…

Protests hit Northeastern contract with ICE

August 9, 2018

Boston — As night fell on July 31, protesters from Movimiento Cosecha, who had gathered outside the house of Northeastern…

Activists serve ICE eviction notice

August 9, 2018

Abolish ICE activists occupied the hallway leading to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement offices in Syracuse, N.Y., on July 31…

No water for ICE!

August 9, 2018

FIRE (Fight for Im/migrants and Refugees Everywhere) PDX held a demonstration and banner drop on Aug. 1 to demand the…

Hunger strike at immigrant prison

August 9, 2018

Seattle — The Northwest Detention Center Resistance held a protest against immigrant detention on July 14 at the Northwest Detention…

Massive mobilizations support Maduro after drone attack in Venezuela

August 9, 2018

With massive demonstrations in Caracas and other cities on Aug. 6,   hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans showed their support for…

Kavanaugh no friend to workers

August 9, 2018

President Donald Trump appointed Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court because he trusted Kavanaugh to do his — and…