African harvest workers strike in southern Italy

August 14, 2018

By Gerhard Feldbauer After the death of 12 farmworkers in a traffic accident in southern Italy on Aug. 6, hundreds…

Ireland and Mexico act to reduce global warming

August 14, 2018

While the Trump administration in the U.S. continues to deny the pressing impact of global warming — and acts to…

Trump nominated Kavanaugh to overturn legal abortion

August 14, 2018

One of President Donald Trump’s most fervent — and contentious — vows on the campaign trail was that he would…

Houston activists protest kid prison

August 12, 2018

The Free Los Niños Coalition held its third protest, on Aug. 4, at the home of wealthy real estate gentrifier…

The movement to abolish ICE

August 12, 2018

A decade ago, the abolition of ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) would have been a rare, perhaps unheard of,…

Ahed Tamimi released: ’I hope for the liberation of Palestine’

August 12, 2018

Young Palestinian freedom fighter Ahed Tamimi walked out of an Israeli prison on July 29 after spending eight months inside.…

Syria peace talks in Sochi make progress — without U.S.

August 12, 2018

By Karin Leukefeld Without the participation of the U.S., other Western imperialist forces or the Gulf monarchies — all of…

Providence, R.I., activists drive out far right

August 11, 2018

Despite heavy rain, the anti-fascist working class of Providence, R.I., and their local allies turned out in force on Aug.…

Fascists ejected from Portland, Oregon

August 11, 2018

The far-right nationalist group “Patriot Prayer,” with leader and senatorial nominee Joey Gibson in tow, came to Portland, Ore., on…

Community honors MOVE anniversary

August 11, 2018

Communities rallied together in the heart of West Philadelphia on Aug. 5 to mark the 40th anniversary of the police…