Death row prisoner’s hunger strike

August 16, 2018

Death row defendant Imam Siddique Abdullah Hasan, transferred to solitary confinement on July 21 in the supermax Ohio State Penitentiary,…

Iowa workers fight to save UI Labor Center

August 16, 2018

Iowa City, Iowa, Aug. 13 — Iowa workers are fighting to save the University of Iowa’s Labor Center from being…

San Diego affirms: ‘Black August Is Black Love’

August 16, 2018

The “Black August is Black Love” art show, lecture and open mic was held on the evening of Aug. 10…

In Charlottesville & D.C.: Victory for anti-racists

August 15, 2018

The weekend of Aug. 11-12, the first anniversary of last year’s deadly march by neo-Nazis and hooded Klan members in…

Trump, the Pentagon and the establishment

August 15, 2018

According to Marx, the capitalist government is the executive committee of the ruling class. That truth still holds. But that…

Murdered by power failure in Brooklyn

August 15, 2018

Elizabeth Ramos, 56, beloved activist in the disability community, died early Sunday morning, July 29. She did not die as…

Workers across Russia protest plan to raise retirement age

August 15, 2018

Across the vast breadth of the world’s largest country by area, from huge cities to small towns, workers young and…

Crisis deepens in Puerto Rico as Junta seizes educational system

August 15, 2018

The crisis of the Puerto Rican nation continues spiraling downward and is about to hit bottom. The main news every…

Solidarity underway with prison strikers

August 14, 2018

Atlanta organizations responded to a call from the Workers World Party branch here to work cooperatively in support of the…

Migrant farmworkers march for dignity and justice in Washington State

August 14, 2018

Whatcom County, Wash. — A Marcha por la Dignidad (March for Dignity), organized by Community to Community Development (C2C), wound…