Mass pressure cancels fascist speaker

October 16, 2018

James O’Keefe, a fascist provocateur fueled by the Trump regime, was scheduled to speak at Columbia University on Oct. 10.…

Wanted posters target Puerto Rico Fiscal Control Board ‘mercenaries’

October 16, 2018

Philadelphia — Hurricanes Irma and Maria devastated Puerto Rico in September 2017. But over a year earlier, in June 2016,…

Lessons of the Paris and Shanghai communes

October 16, 2018

Lately, great interest and support for the idea of socialism has developed in the U.S., especially among younger generations —…

Disability, racist profiling and the Portland police

October 16, 2018

Portland, Ore. — Police shot and killed Samuel Rice, a 30-year-old man with a history of mental disabilities, here on…

Michigan labor on the move

October 14, 2018

Almost six years ago, Michigan became a “right-to-work” state. The bill, passed by the state legislature and signed by Gov.…

UPS rank-and-file overrule leaders, reject two-tier pay

October 14, 2018

The Teamsters union announced on Oct. 5 that a majority of members voting on a new contract at United Parcel…

On the picket line

October 14, 2018

APWU counters Trump plan to privatize U.S. Postal Service The U.S. Postal Service is once again under attack. In August,…

‘McStrike’: Low-wage workers walkout in Britain

October 14, 2018

Low-wage workers at four companies in the retail and hospitality industry, sick and tired of being exploited on the job,…

Judge rules expulsion is racist

October 14, 2018

In a decision issued Oct. 3 in California, Judge Edward Chen called the Department of Homeland Security’s “actions … based…

Ramona Africa: Harriet’s granddaughter

October 13, 2018

Workers World Party joins thousands around the world in the call to help our sister, Ramona Africa, fight for her…