‘Texas says death row, we say hell no!’

October 25, 2018

Austin, Texas — Death row families, death row exonerees, activists and abolitionists gathered at the Texas Capitol today in a…

Voting rights battle in Georgia

October 25, 2018

Atlanta — Major newspapers and national TV news programs have carried stories about the close Georgia governor’s race between Demo­crat…

White House prepares to break nuclear weapons treaty

October 25, 2018

Workers World joins those around the world protesting Washington’s plans to break the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty and increase the…

Philadelphia needs safe injection sites

October 24, 2018

The city of Philadelphia is, once again, clearing out drug-user encampments. After having declared a disaster in the Kensington section…

Storms from Puerto Rico to Florida: Profit system drives disaster

October 24, 2018

Oct. 23 — Even as a delegation of prominent activists from Puerto Rico is making preparations to come to the…

Fleeing crisis ‘made in USA,’ Honduran migrants march into Mexico

October 24, 2018

Oct. 22 — A caravan of thousands of migrants, including small children, traveling to the United States reached the Mexico-Guatemala…

Activists expose collaboration of cops and fascists

October 24, 2018

“The police will not keep us safe. We keep us safe.” That idea was central to a news conference held…

The evidence is there: Release Mumia now!

October 24, 2018

On Oct. 29, Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeal will be back in court in Philadelphia for yet another hearing.  This will be…

Carteles de ‘SE BUSCA’ apuntan a ‘mercenarios’ de la Junta de Control Fiscal de Puerto Rico

October 24, 2018

Filadelfia — Los huracanes Irma y María devastaron a Puerto Rico en septiembre del 2017. Pero un año antes, en…

Siria: Zona de amortiguación en calma pero la guerra sigue siendo un riesgo

October 24, 2018

La guerra en Siria, provocada por las potencias imperialistas occidentales en el 2011 y que ha traído gran sufrimiento para…